Seven-year-old Khalifa Saminu Saleh was tragically found deceased six days after he was reported missing in the Kuruma community of Bunkure Local Government Area in Kano State. His lifeless body was discovered in a canal on Monday morning, April 8, 2024. Khalifa's disappearance prompted an extensive search effort by authorities and residents, initiated after he failed to return home from his routine Salatul Tarawih prayers at a nearby mosque. Described as a committed young boy, Khalifa lived with his parents, including his father, Alhaji Saminu Saleh, a local businessman. The devastated father has called for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding his son's disappearance and subsequent death..
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The Missing seven-year-old boy found dead in Kano
Description : Seven-year-old Khalifa Saminu Saleh was tragically found deceased six days after he was reported missing in the Kuruma community...
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