Hazarat Ibrahim Bin Adham was asked: What is the matter with us, that we invoke but our invocation is not accepted, although God says: Invoke Me and I will accept your invokation Q2:186?
He said: The cause is that your hearts have died.
He was asked: What thing has caused their death?
He said: Eight (8) conducts bring the death of the heart.
1. You know the duties towards God but you do not do them.
2. You recite the Qur'an but you do not look to it's promise of punishments.
3. You say that you love the Prophet but you do not follow his actions.
4. You say that you fear death but you do not become prepared for it.
5. God says: The devil is your enemy but you take his help in sinful acts.
6. You say that you fear Hell-Fire but you keep your body immersed in it.
7. You say that you love paradise but you do not act for it.
8. When you get up from bed, you throw your sins by your back and disclose the sins of the people. Thereby causing the displeasure of your Lord.
How can He respond to your invocation?